Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Save up to 75% on your prescription medications with RxCut Equalizer

Using your free RxCut Card guarantees every user the absolute lowest price possible; which equals = their insurance Co-payment, the pharmacy retail price or the RxCut discount, whichever is less.  Don't be fooled into paying higher prices...always ask...what is my RxCut price?  If you don't have insurance use the card and save more.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Tibion Bionic Leg

The Tibion Bionic Leg is a wearable, battery-powered robotic device---assists stroke patients to regain their lost gait.  The Bionic Leg is not a prosthesis.  Instead, the Bionic Leg is a rehabilitation device used under the direction of a physical therapist. It demands the patient put at least a little force on their affected leg, and computer-driven motors within the Bionic Leg provide the additional force needed to enable the patient to participate in rehab exercises.  During a period of weeks, constant repetition and slow reduction of Bionic-Leg support helps patients reprogram their brain to use alternate brain regions to control their gait.  Even patients who are 10 years post stroke have regained substantial function, at lease leaving their wheelchairs and walking with a cane.  More than a dozen rehabilitation hospitals, skilled nursing facilities and outpatient clinics are now using Tibion Bionic Leg.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Alternative Medicine

The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) classifies complementary and alternative medicine therapies into five categories:

Alternative medical systems. These systems are built on complete systems of theory and practice and include holistic medicine and naturopathic medicine; developed in the Western culture and Chinese medicine and Ayurveda medicine; developed in ancient Eastern cultures.

Mind-body intervention. This uses a variety of techniques to enhance the mind’s capacity to affect the body’s functions and systems. Techniques include cognitive behavioral therapy, meditation, prayer, mental healing, art, music, and dance therapy.

Biologically-based therapies. These therapies use substances found in nature, such as herbs, foods, and vitamins, and include dietary supplements, herbal products, and natural substances.

Manipulative and body-based methods. These methods heal using the movement of one or more body parts and may include chiropractic, osteopathic manipulation, and massage.

Energy therapies. There are two types of therapies that use energy fields. Bio-field therapy manipulates our bio-fields by applying pressure and/or manipulating the body by placing hands in, or through, these fields. Qigong, reiki, and therapeutic and healing touch are included in this type of therapy. Bio-electromagnetic-based therapies involve the unconventional use of electromagnetic fields, such as pulsed fields, magnetic fields, or direct current fields.
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