Sunday, February 21, 2010


CANNED LIGHT TUNA. This kitchen staple is packed with selenium, and antioxidant that protects skin cells against sun damage that can lead to skin cancer. People whose blood has the highest levels of selenium had a 57% lower rate of developing basal cell carcinoma and a 64% reduction in squamous cell carcinoma, compared with those with the lowest levels, according to a 2009 Australian study of almost 500 adults. Other selenium sources include turkey and fortified instant cereal. The DV for selenium is 55 mcg, the amount found in a little less than 3 ounces of canned light tuna.
DARK CHOCOLATE. New research shows that women who consumed a daily drink containing 2 tablespoons of high-flavanoid cocoa powder for 12 weeks had skin that was significantly smoother, retained more moisture, and had better circulation. Grotto says you can achieve the same effect with a daily ounce of high-flavanoid dark chocolate.
BACK TEA WITH CITRUS PEAL. Long-time tea drinkers enjoy half the risk of skin cancer - especially if they sip two or more cups each day, according to a 2007 Dartmouth Medical School study. That's possible due to tea's polyphenols, which may help protect against UV radiation. Brew tea with citrus peel to boost its anticancer powers even more. The combined theaflavins in black tea and the d-Limonene in citrus reduced the risk of squamous cell carcinoma by 88%, says research from a University of Arizona College of Public Health study.
CARROT JUICE. Once cup of carrot juice (which is equal to 1 pound of of carrots) contains 22 mg of beta-carotene, a powerful antioxidant that several studies show can help protect skin against sunburn. And the more you drink, the more protection you build up.
ALCOHOL. Scientists aren't exactly sure why, but drinking more than two alcoholic beverages a day raises your risk of basal cell carcinoma by up to 30%, according to research at Harvard School of Public Health.

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