Tuesday, September 29, 2009

What happens when we are old, alone and out of money?

A client is 92 years old. She is unable to see that well or hear that well, she does not have any brothers or sisters, never had any children, and her husband passed 30 years ago. Up until recent she lived independently. She was an active member of her community…creator of harvest day, board member of the historical commission, and is a dearing woman overall. Being a strong and independent woman she provided a decent life for herself - until recent. She worked hard in an office environment while buying, renovating and renting homes. Her efforts were rewarding, offering her a valuable way of living. However, time continues and her strategy did not plan for living as long as she is, and needing the care to provide for her independence in her own home, where she chooses to stay. We actively had been going out to see her seven days a week at a minimum a day for the past months to be sure her medication was taken and that she ate well. Until, one day she becomes ill and needs to go to the hospital, then admitted into a rehab/nursing home. She is miserable, fights with everyone at the facility and cries out to go home - constantly. Unfortunately, her funds are running out and she is in need of much more care then before - her living expenses are proceeding her income & savings. Her choices are limited – does she sell her home and reside in an assisted living ( this is sufficient for some but is not her wishes ) or use her home as collateral for living?

What would you do?

Our suggestion:

Ben Stucker helped Daily Living Comforts change our client's life for the better.
Ben D. Stucker, CSA®
Director of Senior Lending

Village Capital & Investment LLC
Office (866) 312-6682 x303
Direct (856) 505-6603
Cell (267) 391-7425
Fax (866) 247-7925

Our client did return home, went to harvest day, bought earrings, funnel cake and talked with friends this past weekend.

Daily Living Comforts, Inc.

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